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Creative Brief

Who is a target audience?

Millennials who are budget conscious and interested in keeping up with trends. Online natives who tend to research online before they buy and want to try out the styles before they commit. They may be clumsy or lose things often so they like to feel secure in the value of the products they buy. May care about the second pair going to needy people. They are urban and for the most part live near large cities

What is the problem?

I dread buying glasses. The insurance is confusing, there are so many surprise costs, and finding the right style is intimidating. I’m often not sure if I like them, but I’ve got to make a decision on the spot and then I’m stuck with them for a long time.

What is the solution?

Buying my new glasses was so easy. I don’t need to stress about insurance, I could order online or go to the store, and the prices were super affordable. So affordable in fact, I was able to buy 2 pairs for what I normally spend on one designer pair.


Warby Parker customers complete more than one (1) order per year and buy an average of 1.5 glasses per order

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